Due to covid-19, last year was tough for businesses. While many suffered to survive, some saw an overnight boom in their sales – including pharmaceutical, grocery retailers, and online streaming services. As self-isolation and social distancing became the ‘new normal, consumers started purchasing online. Total global e-commerce sales increased from 16% to 19% in 2020 (Source: UNCDAT). This shift to online stores boosted global online retail sales. Now, more and more B2B and B2C businesses are trying to set up a digital presence and increase their online sales.

Today, we will tell you how to increase your online sales fast and make the most of your digital presence.


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(1) Implement Live Chat

Many websites today have a live chat feature. It is considered the most preferred mode of communication by customers. Did you know: 79% of consumers go for a live chat because it is instant and convenient. Moreover, incorporating live chat into your website will increase the conversion rate by 40% as it is an excellent source of lead generation. It allows the sales representative to directly communicate with prospects, resolve their issues and motivate them to take quick action.


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Here are some ways in which live chat can increase your online sales:

Reduces Sale Cycle – Live chat responds to the customers more quickly than email or phone, reducing the sales cycle.

Converts Website Visitors into Leads – The real-time sales assistance maximizes leads and increases return on investment (ROI).

Lowers Bounce Rate – Live chat assistance responds to the customer in real-time and drives them to take action, reducing the bounce rate.

(2) Create a Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is more likely to get a reaction from customers. It is a highly effective age-old marketing tactic to increase sales. It pushes your prospects to buy now, giving you quick sales.

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Marcus Taylor, CEO of Venture Harbour and award-winning entrepreneur, used urgency to increase sales by 332% (Source: CXL). With limited edition and time-sensitive offers, you can entice your clients. When it comes to online stores, you can use incentives like promo codes, free shipping, sign-up discount, etc.

(3) Invest in Quality Product Images

This one is pretty obvious but worth the mention. Thanks to Instagram and Pinterest, aesthetics has become a raging trend. Eye-catching flat lays, and thematic images are the new favorite. Thus, appearance plays a vital role in how we perceive things. So, if you want to sell your product online, the first thing you need to do is get high-quality good looking product images.

Image Credits: Sleek Note

According to Forbes, 50% of online customers say “large, high-quality product images are more important than product information, descriptions or even reviews.” No matter what the product is, including high-quality images will increase sales because 93% of online consumers consider visual content to be one of the main deciding factors when purchasing online (Source: Meero). Include large-sized 360-degree shots and see how that improves your sales.

(4) Social Media Marketing

You know you need to be on social media if you want to build an online business. As compared to outbound marketing, social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or LinkedIn, create a stellar business account and implement social media marketing strategies to increase your sales.

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Here are some key benefits of social media marketing to boost sales:

Increases Brand Awareness – There are over 100 million active users daily on social media. Using social media marketing, you can get more views, more followers, more leads, and ultimately more sales.

More Inbound Traffic – Social media marketing is the perfect way to increase inbound traffic and establish an online presence. And, the more traffic, the more customers.

Improved Search Engine Rankings – Social media marketing increases brand exposure, adds credibility, and contributes to SEO ranking. Ultimately, higher rankings result in more website visitors, leads, and customers.

(5) Reviews & Testimonials

According to a study, 97% of customers check online reviews before purchasing a product online. The significance of word of mouth plays an important role even in the digital world. Therefore, reviews and testimonials will forever remain an important factor in driving sales.

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Facebook, Amazon, Google, every leading platform has a dedicated reviews section. Why? Because positive reviews build reputation, ad credibility, increase trust, and encourage prospects to approach the brand. Spiegel Report found that displaying reviews increases conversion rate by 270%.

As online shoppers do not have the luxury and convenience to view the product in person physically, they need some reassurance whether to buy the product or not. Thus, customer testimonials serve as a great tool to educate and inform other buyers. E-Commerce retailers use online reviews and testimonials to remove uncertainty and encourage shoppers to make a purchase.

(6) Simplify Checkout Process

Improving the checkout process will result in increased sales because it prevents abandoned carts. According to Sleeknote, checkout optimization can increase conversion rate by 35.62%.

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If you face many abandoned carts, you need to improve your website and optimize the checkout process. A lengthy and complicated checkout process often makes the consumer abandon their carts.

To improve your check process:

  • Make checkout forms short and precise
  • Offer multiple payment options
  • State shipping charges upfront
  • Create a single format for billing and shipping information
  • Add incentives like free shipping, promo codes, midnight deals, etc.


Such improvements can optimize your checkout page, and people will be more likely to complete the process – increasing sales.


Consistent sales are the livelihood of any business. If you want to grow your business, you need to boost sales. With the strategies mentioned above, you will see an increase in your sales with a higher return on investment (ROI).

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